t-ob-2 Namespace Health¶
Troubleshooting Commands¶
Inspect Warning Events in Namespace t-ob-2
This command uses kubectl to get events of type Warning from a specific context and namespace and output the results in JSON format, then it filters and processes the data using jq to group and summarize the events based on namespace, kind, and base name, and filter them based on event age.
kubectl get events --field-selector type=Warning --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n t-ob-2 -o json > $HOME/warning_events.json && cat $HOME/warning_events.json | jq -r '[.items[] | {namespace: .involvedObject.namespace, kind: .involvedObject.kind, baseName: ((if .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" then (.involvedObject.name | split("-")[:-1] | join("-")) else .involvedObject.name end) // ""), count: .count, firstTimestamp: .firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp: .lastTimestamp, reason: .reason, message: .message}] | group_by(.namespace, .kind, .baseName) | map({object: (.[0].namespace + "/" + .[0].kind + "/" + .[0].baseName), total_events: (reduce .[] as $event (0; . + $event.count)), summary_messages: (map(.message) | unique | join("; ")), oldest_timestamp: (map(.firstTimestamp) | sort | first), most_recent_timestamp: (map(.lastTimestamp) | sort | last)}) | map(select((now - ((.most_recent_timestamp | fromdateiso8601)))/60 <= 5m ))'
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# Set the kubectl context and namespace variables
export CONTEXT=my-context
export NAMESPACE=my-namespace
# Use kubectl to get events of type Warning in JSON format and save it to a file in the user's home directory
kubectl get events --field-selector type=Warning --context $CONTEXT -n $NAMESPACE -o json > $HOME/warning_events.json
# Use jq to parse and manipulate the JSON output from kubectl to extract relevant information
cat $HOME/warning_events.json | jq -r '
# Create an array of objects containing selected fields from the original JSON
[.items[] |
namespace: .involvedObject.namespace,
kind: .involvedObject.kind,
baseName: (
(if .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" then
(.involvedObject.name | split("-")[:-1] | join("-"))
end) // ""
count: .count,
firstTimestamp: .firstTimestamp,
lastTimestamp: .lastTimestamp,
reason: .reason,
message: .message
# Group the objects by namespace, kind, and baseName
| group_by(.namespace, .kind, .baseName)
# Map the grouped objects into new objects with aggregated values
| map(
object: (.[0].namespace + "/" + .[0].kind + "/" + .[0].baseName),
total_events: (reduce .[] as $event (0; . + $event.count)),
summary_messages: (map(.message) | unique | join("; ")),
oldest_timestamp: (map(.firstTimestamp) | sort | first),
most_recent_timestamp: (map(.lastTimestamp) | sort | last)
# Filter out objects based on their most recent timestamp compared to a given event age
| map(select((now - ((.most_recent_timestamp | fromdateiso8601)))/60 <= ${EVENT_AGE} ))
In this multi-line command, we set the kubectl context and namespace, use kubectl to retrieve warning events in JSON format, and then use jq to manipulate the JSON data and extract relevant information according to specific criteria. Each step is accompanied by comments explaining its purpose. This should help newer or less experienced DevOps engineers understand and execute the command effectively.
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Inspect Container Restarts In Namespace t-ob-2
This command is pulling container restart data from a Kubernetes cluster and formatting it into a readable output, using a specific time period as a threshold for the restart data. It also includes exit code explanations for various scenarios.
TIME_PERIOD="${CONTAINER_RESTART_AGE}"; TIME_PERIOD_UNIT=$(echo $TIME_PERIOD | awk '{print substr($0,length($0),1)}'); TIME_PERIOD_VALUE=$(echo $TIME_PERIOD | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-1)}'); if [[ $TIME_PERIOD_UNIT == "m" ]]; then DATE_CMD_ARG="$TIME_PERIOD_VALUE minutes ago"; elif [[ $TIME_PERIOD_UNIT == "h" ]]; then DATE_CMD_ARG="$TIME_PERIOD_VALUE hours ago"; else echo "Unsupported time period unit. Use 'm' for minutes or 'h' for hours."; exit 1; fi; THRESHOLD_TIME=$(date -u --date="$DATE_CMD_ARG" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"); $KUBERNETES_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY get pods --context=$CONTEXT -n $NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r --argjson exit_code_explanations '{"0": "Success", "1": "Error", "2": "Misconfiguration", "130": "Pod terminated by SIGINT", "134": "Abnormal Termination SIGABRT", "137": "Pod terminated by SIGKILL - Possible OOM", "143":"Graceful Termination SIGTERM"}' --arg threshold_time "$THRESHOLD_TIME" '.items[] | select(.status.containerStatuses != null) | select(any(.status.containerStatuses[]; .restartCount > 0 and (.lastState.terminated.finishedAt // "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z") > $threshold_time)) | "---\npod_name: \(.metadata.name)\n" + (.status.containerStatuses[] | "containers: \(.name)\nrestart_count: \(.restartCount)\nmessage: \(.state.waiting.message // "N/A")\nterminated_reason: \(.lastState.terminated.reason // "N/A")\nterminated_finishedAt: \(.lastState.terminated.finishedAt // "N/A")\nterminated_exitCode: \(.lastState.terminated.exitCode // "N/A")\nexit_code_explanation: \($exit_code_explanations[.lastState.terminated.exitCode | tostring] // "Unknown exit code")") + "\n---\n"'
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# Set the variable TIME_PERIOD to the value of CONTAINER_RESTART_AGE
# Get the unit of time from the TIME_PERIOD: 'm' for minutes or 'h' for hours
TIME_PERIOD_UNIT=$(echo $TIME_PERIOD | awk '{print substr($0,length($0),1)}')
# Extract the numerical value from TIME_PERIOD
TIME_PERIOD_VALUE=$(echo $TIME_PERIOD | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-1)}')
# Depending on the unit of time, create the argument for the date command
if [[ $TIME_PERIOD_UNIT == "m" ]]; then
elif [[ $TIME_PERIOD_UNIT == "h" ]]; then
echo "Unsupported time period unit. Use 'm' for minutes or 'h' for hours."
exit 1
# Calculate the threshold time based on the DATE_CMD_ARG
THRESHOLD_TIME=$(date -u --date="$DATE_CMD_ARG" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
# Use the Kubernetes distribution binary to get pods in JSON format
jq -r --argjson exit_code_explanations '{"0": "Success", "1": "Error", "2": "Misconfiguration", \
"130": "Pod terminated by SIGINT", "134": "Abnormal Termination SIGABRT", \
"137": "Pod terminated by SIGKILL - Possible OOM", "143":"Graceful Termination SIGTERM"}' \
--arg threshold_time "$THRESHOLD_TIME" '.items[] | select(.status.containerStatuses != null) | \
select(any(.status.containerStatuses[]; .restartCount > 0 and (.lastState.terminated.finishedAt // "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z") > $threshold_time)) | \
"---\npod_name: \(.metadata.name)\n" + \
(.status.containerStatuses[] | "containers: \(.name)\nrestart_count: \(.restartCount)\nmessage: \(.state.waiting.message // "N/A")\nterminated_reason: \(.lastState.terminated.reason // "N/A")\nterminated_finishedAt: \(.lastState.terminated.finishedAt // "N/A")\nterminated_exitCode: \(.lastState.terminated.exitCode // "N/A")\nexit_code_explanation: \($exit_code_explanations[.lastState.terminated.exitCode | tostring] // "Unknown exit code")") + "\n---\n"'
Inspect Pending Pods In Namespace t-ob-2
This command uses kubectl to get information about pods in a specific context and namespace that are pending, and then uses jq to format the output into a more readable JSON format with specific details about each pod's status and containers.
kubectl get pods --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n t-ob-2 --field-selector=status.phase=Pending --no-headers -o json | jq -r '[.items[] | {pod_name: .metadata.name, status: (.status.phase // "N/A"), message: (.status.conditions[0].message // "N/A"), reason: (.status.conditions[0].reason // "N/A"), containerStatus: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state // "N/A"), containerMessage: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.waiting?.message // "N/A"), containerReason: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.waiting?.reason // "N/A")}]'
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# This command uses kubectl to get information about pods in a specific namespace that are in a Pending state
# It then uses jq to format the output into a more readable and structured JSON format
# Set the context and namespace for the kubectl command
CONTEXT="your_context" # replace with the actual context name
NAMESPACE="your_namespace" # replace with the actual namespace name
# Get the pods in the specified context and namespace that are in a Pending state
kubectl get pods --context=${CONTEXT} -n ${NAMESPACE} --field-selector=status.phase=Pending --no-headers -o json \
| jq -r '[.items[] |
# Select relevant fields from pod metadata and status
{pod_name: .metadata.name,
status: (.status.phase // "N/A"),
message: (.status.conditions[0].message // "N/A"),
reason: (.status.conditions[0].reason // "N/A"),
containerStatus: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state // "N/A"),
containerMessage: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.waiting?.message // "N/A"),
containerReason: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.waiting?.reason // "N/A")}]'
In this multi-line command, each step is explained with helpful comments to guide newer or less experienced devops engineers through the process and explain what each part of the command does.
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Inspect Failed Pods In Namespace t-ob-2
This command retrieves information about failed pods in a Kubernetes cluster, including the pod name, restart count, termination message, and exit code explanation. It uses jq to map exit codes to human-readable explanations.
kubectl get pods --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n t-ob-2 --field-selector=status.phase=Failed --no-headers -o json | jq -r --argjson exit_code_explanations '{"0": "Success", "1": "Error", "2": "Misconfiguration", "130": "Pod terminated by SIGINT", "134": "Abnormal Termination SIGABRT", "137": "Pod terminated by SIGKILL - Possible OOM", "143":"Graceful Termination SIGTERM"}' '[.items[] | {pod_name: .metadata.name, restart_count: (.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount // "N/A"), message: (.status.message // "N/A"), terminated_finishedAt: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.finishedAt // "N/A"), exit_code: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.exitCode // "N/A"), exit_code_explanation: ($exit_code_explanations[.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.exitCode | tostring] // "Unknown exit code")}]'
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# Set the context and namespace for the kubectl command
# Use kubectl to get pods in a specific context and namespace that have failed
# Then parse the output as JSON and store the data using jq
kubectl get pods --context=${context} -n ${namespace} --field-selector=status.phase=Failed --no-headers -o json | \
# Use jq to format the output for easier readability and understanding
jq -r --argjson exit_code_explanations '{"0": "Success", "1": "Error", "2": "Misconfiguration", "130": "Pod terminated by SIGINT", "134": "Abnormal Termination SIGABRT", "137": "Pod terminated by SIGKILL - Possible OOM", "143":"Graceful Termination SIGTERM"}' \
'[.items[] |
{pod_name: .metadata.name,
restart_count: (.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount // "N/A"),
message: (.status.message // "N/A"),
terminated_finishedAt: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.finishedAt // "N/A"),
exit_code: (.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.exitCode // "N/A"),
exit_code_explanation: ($exit_code_explanations[.status.containerStatuses[0].state.terminated.exitCode | tostring] // "Unknown exit code")}]
Inspect Workload Status Conditions In Namespace t-ob-2
This command retrieves information about pods in a specific namespace and context, then filters the results to show only pods that are not ready or have not completed, displaying their kind, name, and conditions in JSON format.
kubectl get pods --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n t-ob-2 -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[]? | select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "False" and .reason != "PodCompleted")) | {kind: .kind, name: .metadata.name, conditions: .status.conditions}' | jq -s '.'
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# Set the context and namespace for the kubernetes command
# Get the existing pods in JSON format using kubectl
kubectl get pods --context ${CONTEXT} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json \
# Use jq to filter out only the pods that meet specific conditions
| jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[]? | select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "False" and .reason != "PodCompleted")) \
# Extract relevant information such as kind, name, and status conditions
| {kind: .kind, name: .metadata.name, conditions: .status.conditions}' \
# Use jq with the -s option to treat the entire input as a single JSON array
| jq -s '.'
This multi-line command breaks down each step of the original command with comments explaining what each part does. It's useful for newer or less experienced devops engineers who may not be familiar with all the commands used.
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Get Listing Of Resources In Namespace t-ob-2
This command uses kubectl to list all available API resources in the current Kubernetes context, then it uses xargs and bash to get each resource in the specified namespace.
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster | xargs -n 1 bash -c 'kubectl get $0 --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n t-ob-2 --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster'
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# First, use kubectl to list all the available API resources in the cluster that support the "list" verb and are namespaced
api_resources=$(kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name --context=${CONTEXT})
# Then, for each of the listed resources, use xargs to iterate through them one by one and execute the following command
echo $api_resources | xargs -n 1 bash -c ' \
# Use kubectl to get information about the current resource being processed
kubectl get $0 --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n ${NAMESPACE} --context=${CONTEXT}'
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Check Event Anomalies in Namespace t-ob-2
This command retrieves events from a Kubernetes cluster, filters out any warnings, and then processes the data to identify any anomalies based on a specified threshold. The results are formatted in JSON for further analysis.
kubectl get events --field-selector type!=Warning --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n t-ob-2 -o json > $HOME/events.json && cat $HOME/events.json | jq -r '[.items[] | {namespace: .involvedObject.namespace, kind: .involvedObject.kind, name: ((if .involvedObject and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" then (.involvedObject.name | split("-")[:-1] | join("-")) else .involvedObject.name end) // ""), count: .count, firstTimestamp: .firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp: .lastTimestamp, reason: .reason, message: .message}] | group_by(.namespace, .kind, .name) | .[] | {(.[0].namespace + "/" + .[0].kind + "/" + .[0].name): {events: .}}' | jq -r --argjson threshold "3.0" 'to_entries[] | {object: .key, oldest_timestamp: ([.value.events[] | .firstTimestamp] | min), most_recent_timestamp: ([.value.events[] | .lastTimestamp] | max), events_per_minute: (reduce .value.events[] as $event (0; . + $event.count) / (((([.value.events[] | .lastTimestamp | fromdateiso8601] | max) - ([.value.events[] | .firstTimestamp | fromdateiso8601] | min)) / 60) | if . < 1 then 1 else . end)), total_events: (reduce .value.events[] as $event (0; . + $event.count)), summary_messages: [.value.events[] | .message] | unique | join("; ")} | select(.events_per_minute > $threshold)' | jq -s '.'
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# Set the kubectl context and namespace to use for the command
# Retrieve events from the Kubernetes cluster using the specified context and namespace, and output the results to a JSON file
kubectl get events --field-selector type!=Warning --context ${CONTEXT} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json > $HOME/events.json
# Process the JSON file with jq to extract relevant event information and format it into a new JSON structure
cat $HOME/events.json | jq -r '[
.items[] | {
namespace: .involvedObject.namespace,
kind: .involvedObject.kind,
name: (
(if .involvedObject and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" then
(.involvedObject.name | split("-")[:-1] | join("-"))
end) // ""
count: .count,
firstTimestamp: .firstTimestamp,
lastTimestamp: .lastTimestamp,
reason: .reason,
message: .message
] | group_by(.namespace, .kind, .name) | .[] | {(.[0].namespace + "/" + .[0].kind + "/" + .[0].name): {events: .}}'
# Further process the formatted JSON data to calculate anomaly metrics based on specified threshold values
jq -r --argjson threshold "${ANOMALY_THRESHOLD}" 'to_entries[] | {
object: .key,
oldest_timestamp: ([.value.events[] | .firstTimestamp] | min),
most_recent_timestamp: ([.value.events[] | .lastTimestamp] | max),
events_per_minute: (
reduce .value.events[] as $event (0; . + $event.count) / (
([.value.events[] | .lastTimestamp | fromdateiso8601] | max) -
([.value.events[] | .firstTimestamp | fromdateiso8601] | min)
) / 60
) | if . < 1 then 1 else . end
total_events: (reduce .value.events[] as $event (0; . + $event.count)),
summary_messages: [.value.events[] | .message] | unique | join("; ")
} | select(.events_per_minute > $threshold)'
# Combine all individual JSON objects into a single array and output the final processed data
jq -s '.'
Check Missing or Risky PodDisruptionBudget Policies in Namepace t-ob-2
This command checks the health of deployments and statefulsets in a Kubernetes cluster by evaluating the corresponding PodDisruptionBudgets (PDBs) to determine if they are missing, risky, or OK based on certain criteria. It then prints the status of each deployment and statefulset along with their associated PDBs.
context="gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster"; namespace="t-ob-2"; check_health() { local type=$1; local name=$2; local replicas=$3; local selector=$4; local pdbs=$(kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get pdb -o json | jq -c --arg selector "$selector" '.items[] | select(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value == $selector)'); if [[ $replicas -gt 1 && -z "$pdbs" ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "" "Missing"; else echo "$pdbs" | jq -c . | while IFS= read -r pdb; do local pdbName=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.metadata.name'); local minAvailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.minAvailable // ""'); local maxUnavailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.maxUnavailable // ""'); if [[ "$minAvailable" == "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0%" ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "Risky"; elif [[ $replicas -gt 1 && ("$minAvailable" != "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0%") ]]; then printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "OK"; fi; done; fi; }; echo "Deployments:"; echo "_______"; printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"; kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get deployments -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do check_health "Deployment" $(echo $line | tr -d '"'); done; echo ""; echo "Statefulsets:"; echo "_______"; printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"; kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get statefulsets -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do check_health "StatefulSet" $(echo $line | tr -d '"'); done
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# Set context and namespace variables for kubectl commands
# Function to check the health of a resource
check_health() {
local type=$1
local name=$2
local replicas=$3
local selector=$4
# Get relevant PodDisruptionBudgets (pdb) using jq filtering
local pdbs=$(kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get pdb -o json | jq -c --arg selector "$selector" '.items[] | select(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value == $selector)')
# Check if replicas are greater than 1 and pdb is missing
if [[ $replicas -gt 1 && -z "$pdbs" ]]; then
printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "" "Missing"
# Loop over each pdb
echo "$pdbs" | jq -c . | while IFS= read -r pdb; do
local pdbName=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.metadata.name')
local minAvailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.minAvailable // ""')
local maxUnavailable=$(echo "$pdb" | jq -r '.spec.maxUnavailable // ""')
# Check if minAvailable is 100% or maxUnavailable is 0 or 0%
if [[ "$minAvailable" == "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0" || "$maxUnavailable" == "0%" ]]; then
printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "Risky"
# Check if replicas are greater than 1 and minAvailable or maxUnavailable are other than risky values
elif [[ $replicas -gt 1 && ("$minAvailable" != "100%" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0" || "$maxUnavailable" != "0%") ]]; then
printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "$type/$name" "$pdbName" "OK"
# Get deployments and check their health
echo "Deployments:"
echo "_______"
printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"
kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get deployments -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do
check_health "Deployment" $(echo $line | tr -d '"');
echo ""
# Get statefulsets and check their health
echo "Statefulsets:"
echo "_______"
printf "%-30s %-30s %-10s\n" "NAME" "PDB" "STATUS"
kubectl --context "$context" --namespace "$namespace" get statefulsets -o json | jq -c '.items[] | "\(.metadata.name) \(.spec.replicas) \(.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries[] | .key + "=" + .value)"' | while read -r line; do
check_health "StatefulSet" $(echo $line | tr -d '"');
Check Resource Quota Utilization in Namespace t-ob-2
This is a Bash script that calculates resource usage and generates recommendations based on the usage of memory and CPU in a Kubernetes environment. It converts memory to Mi (mebibytes) and CPU to millicores, then checks the usage against set limits and generates corresponding recommendations for adjusting the resource quotas.
KUBERNETES_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="kubectl" NAMESPACE="t-ob-2" CONTEXT="gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster" ANOMALY_THRESHOLD="3.0" EVENT_AGE="5m" bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/runwhen-contrib/rw-cli-codecollection/main/codebundles/k8s-namespace-healthcheck/resource_quota_check.sh)" _
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