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Icon 1 2 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 1 Last updated 13 weeks ago

Icon 1 Contributed by stewartshea

Troubleshooting Commands

List all available Kustomization objects in Namespace recipes

What does it do?

This command retrieves information about a specific Kubernetes resource within a specific namespace and context. It is a way to access and view details about the specified resource in a particular environment or cluster.

kubectl get -n recipes --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster
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# First, let's list all the resources in a specific namespace within a context

# Replace ${RESOURCE_NAME} with the name of the resource you want to retrieve, such as pods, deployments, services, etc.
# Replace ${NAMESPACE} with the name of the namespace where the resource is located
# Replace ${CONTEXT} with the name of the Kubernetes context you want to use

kubectl get ${RESOURCE_NAME} -n ${NAMESPACE} --context ${CONTEXT}
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Get details for unready Kustomizations in Namespace recipes

What does it do?

This command retrieves information about the status of a specific Kubernetes resource in a particular namespace and context, then formats the results as JSON and filters for resources that are not ready. It then extracts specific fields related to the ready and reconciling status conditions.

kubectl get -n recipes --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -o json | jq '[.items[] | select(.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "False")) | {KustomizationName:, ReadyStatus: {ready: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").status), message: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").message), reason: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").reason), last_transition_time: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").lastTransitionTime)}, ReconcileStatus: {reconciling: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Reconciling").status), message: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Reconciling").message)}}]'
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This multi-line content is auto-generated and used for educational purposes. Copying and pasting the multi-line text might not function as expected.


# Use kubectl to get a specific resource in a namespace, format the output as JSON, and then use jq to filter the results
kubectl get ${RESOURCE_NAME} -n ${NAMESPACE} --context ${CONTEXT} -o json | \
  jq '[.items[] | 
      .status.conditions[] | 
      # Select only items where the "Ready" condition is "False"
      select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "False")
    ) | 
      ReadyStatus: {
        ready: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").status), 
        message: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").message), 
        reason: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").reason), 
        last_transition_time: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready").lastTransitionTime)
      ReconcileStatus: {
        reconciling: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Reconciling").status), 
        message: (.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Reconciling").message)

In this multi-line command with helpful comments, we first set our variables for the RESOURCE_NAME, NAMESPACE, and CONTEXT. Then we use the `kubectl` command to retrieve information about a specific Kubernetes resource in a specified namespace, formatting the output as JSON. We then use the `jq` tool to filter the JSON output based on specific conditions and construct a custom JSON response.

By breaking down the command into multiple lines and adding explanatory comments, newer or less experienced devops engineers can better understand the purpose and functionality of each part of the command.
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