online-boutique Pod Resources¶
Troubleshooting Commands¶
Show Pods Without Resource Limit or Resource Requests Set in Namespace online-boutique
This command is used to retrieve information about running pods in a Kubernetes cluster, specifically targeting pods in a specific namespace with certain labels and filtering for those without resource limits set. The output is then formatted as JSON using the jq tool.
kubectl get pods --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n online-boutique --field-selector=status.phase=Running -ojson | jq -r '[.items[] as $pod | ($pod.spec.containers // [][])[] | select(.resources.limits == null) | {pod: $, container_without_limits: .name}]'
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# Get the list of pods in a Kubernetes cluster
kubectl get pods \
# Use specified context for the command
--context=${CONTEXT} \
# Specify the namespace where the pods are located
# Filter pods by specific labels
# Select only pods that are in the "Running" status
--field-selector=status.phase=Running \
# Output the result in JSON format
-ojson | jq -r '[.items[] as $pod |
($pod.spec.containers // [][])[] |
select(.resources.limits == null) |
{pod: $, container_without_limits: .name}]'
This multi-line command provides clear and detailed explanations of each section, making it easier to understand and modify for newer or less experienced devops engineers. It also includes comments to explain each option used in the `kubectl` and `jq` commands.
Show Pods Without Resource Limit or Resource Requests Set in Namespace online-boutique
This command is used to retrieve information about running pods in a Kubernetes cluster, specifically targeting pods in a specific namespace with certain labels and filtering for those without resource limits set. The output is then formatted as JSON using the jq tool.
kubectl get pods --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n online-boutique --field-selector=status.phase=Running -ojson | jq -r '[.items[] as $pod | ($pod.spec.containers // [][])[] | select(.resources.requests == null) | {pod: $, container_without_requests: .name}]'
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# Get the list of pods in a Kubernetes cluster
kubectl get pods \
# Use specified context for the command
--context=${CONTEXT} \
# Specify the namespace where the pods are located
# Filter pods by specific labels
# Select only pods that are in the "Running" status
--field-selector=status.phase=Running \
# Output the result in JSON format
-ojson | jq -r '[.items[] as $pod |
($pod.spec.containers // [][])[] |
select(.resources.limits == null) |
{pod: $, container_without_limits: .name}]'
This multi-line command provides clear and detailed explanations of each section, making it easier to understand and modify for newer or less experienced devops engineers. It also includes comments to explain each option used in the `kubectl` and `jq` commands.
Get Pod Resource Utilization with Top in Namespace online-boutique
This command uses kubectl to retrieve a list of running pods in a specific namespace and context, then uses the kubectl top command to display CPU and memory usage for each pod and its containers.
for pod in $(kubectl get pods -n online-boutique --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -o custom-columns="" --field-selector=status.phase=Running); do kubectl top pod $pod -n online-boutique --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster --containers; done
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# Set up variables for easy modification
LABELS="app=myapp" # replace with the appropriate label for your pods
NAMESPACE="my-namespace" # replace with the namespace where your pods are located
CONTEXT="my-context" # replace with the appropriate context for your Kubernetes cluster
# Use kubectl to get a list of running pods based on specified labels, namespace, and context
running_pods=$(kubectl get pods -l $LABELS -n $NAMESPACE --context $CONTEXT --field-selector=status.phase=Running -o custom-columns="")
# Iterate through the list of running pods and use kubectl top to display resource usage for each pod and its containers
for pod in $running_pods; do
kubectl top pod $pod -n $NAMESPACE --context $CONTEXT --containers
This multi-line command is broken down into several steps and includes helpful comments to explain the purpose of each section. It also provides clear instructions for newer or less experienced devops engineers on how to modify the command to suit their specific environment.
Helpful Links
Identify VPA Pod Resource Recommendations in Namespace online-boutique
This script is a bash script that fetches VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler) recommendations from the Kubernetes cluster for a specific namespace and context, analyzes the current CPU and Memory requests in the cluster, and generates recommendations to adjust pod resources such as CPU and Memory based on the VPA recommendations. The final output is provided in JSON format.
KUBERNETES_DISTRIBUTION_BINARY="kubectl" NAMESPACE="online-boutique" CONTEXT="gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster" LABELS="" UTILIZATION_THRESHOLD="95" DEFAULT_INCREASE="25" RESTART_AGE="10" bash -c "$(curl -s" _
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# Start a bash script
# Initialize recommendations array
declare -a recommendations
# Function to convert memory to Mi
convert_memory_to_mib() {
local memory=$1
# Extract the number and unit separately
local number=${memory//[!0-9]/}
local unit=${memory//[0-9]/}
case $unit in
echo $(( number * 1024 )) # Convert Gi to Mi
echo $number # Already in Mi
echo $(( number / 1024 )) # Convert Ki to Mi
echo $(( number / (1024 * 1024) )) # Convert bytes to Mi
# Function to convert CPU to millicores
convert_cpu_to_millicores() {
local cpu=$1
if [[ $cpu =~ ^[0-9]+m$ ]]; then
echo ${cpu%m}
echo $(($cpu * 1000)) # Convert CPU cores to millicores
# ...
# (Remaining script left for comment...)
Identify Resource Constrained Pods In Namespace online-boutique
It seems like the command you're trying to run isn't able to be processed or executed properly. It could be due to a variety of factors, such as incorrect syntax, missing software dependencies, or insufficient permissions.
Could not render command
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# This command is used to create a multi-line command with helpful comments for newer or less experienced devops engineers
# First, let's start by setting up a variable for the directory path
# Next, change into the specified directory using the cd command
cd $directory_path
# Then, list all the files in the directory using the ls command
ls -l
# Finally, check the disk usage of the files in the directory using the du command
du -sh *