backstage Ingress Health¶
Troubleshooting Commands¶
Fetch Ingress Object Health in Namespace backstage
This command gathers information about the ingresses in a Kubernetes namespace and checks the health status of their associated backend services, including if the appropriate pods and endpoints are running and healthy.
NAMESPACE="backstage";CONTEXT="gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster";ingresses=$(kubectl get ingress -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}');for ingress in $ingresses;do echo "Ingress: $ingress";health_status="NA";backend_services=$(kubectl get ingress "$ingress" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{range .spec.rules[*].http.paths[*]}{}{"|"}{.backend.service.port.number}{"\n"}{end}');while IFS='|' read -r service port;do echo "Backend Service: $service, Port: $port";target_ports=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[?(@.port==$port)].targetPort}");service_exists=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -ojsonpath='{}');if [ -z "$service_exists" ];then health_status="Unhealthy";echo "Error: Service $service does not exist";echo "Next Step: Check namespace $NAMESPACE for service name $service.";continue;else selectors=$(kubectl get svc "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{.spec.selector}');label_selector="";for key in $(echo $selectors | jq -r 'keys[]');do value=$(echo $selectors | jq -r --arg key "$key" '.[$key]');label_selector="${label_selector}${key}=${value},";done;label_selector=${label_selector::-1};found_owner=0;for kind in deployment statefulset daemonset;do matching_owners=$(kubectl get $kind -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -l "$label_selector" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}');if [ -n "$matching_owners" ];then for owner in $matching_owners;do echo "Owner Kind: $kind";echo "Owner Name: $owner";found_owner=1;done;fi;done;if [ "$found_owner" == 0 ];then echo "Error: No matching deployment, statefulset, or daemonset found to match label selector \`"$label_selector"\`";echo "Next Steps:\n- Check namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\` for deployment, statefulset, or daemonset with labels that match \`"$label_selector"\`";fi;port_found="No";associated_pods=$(kubectl get pods -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -l "$label_selector" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}');for pod in $associated_pods;do container_ports=$(kubectl get pod "$pod" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].ports[*].containerPort}');for target_port in $target_ports;do if echo "$container_ports" | grep -wq "$target_port";then port_found="Yes";break;fi;done;done;if [ "$port_found" = "No" ];then health_status="Unhealthy";echo "Warning: targetPort $target_ports of service $service is not found as a containerPort in associated pods";else health_status="Healthy";fi;endpoint_pods=$(kubectl get endpoints "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -ojsonpath='{range .subsets[*].addresses[*]}- Pod Name: {}\n Pod IP: {.ip}\n{end}');if [ -z "$endpoint_pods" ];then health_status="Unhealthy";echo "Error: Endpoint for service \`"$service"\` does not have any running pods"; echo "Next Steps:\n- Inspect Container Restarts in Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\` \n- Inspect Pending Pods In Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\`\n- Inspect Failed Pods In Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\`";else echo "Endpoint Pod:";echo "$endpoint_pods";health_status="Healthy";fi;fi;done<<<"$backend_services";echo "Health Status: $health_status";echo "------------";done
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# Set the value of NAMESPACE and CONTEXT to use in the command
# Get a list of ingresses in the specified namespace and context
ingresses=$(kubectl get ingress -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}')
# Iterate over each ingress and retrieve its backend services
for ingress in $ingresses; do
echo "Ingress: $ingress"
backend_services=$(kubectl get ingress "$ingress" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{range .spec.rules[*].http.paths[*]}{}{"|"}{.backend.service.port.number}{"\n"}{end}')
# Iterate over each backend service and perform health checks
while IFS='|' read -r service port; do
echo "Backend Service: $service, Port: $port"
# Check if the service exists
target_ports=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[?(@.port==$port)].targetPort}")
service_exists=$(kubectl get service "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -ojsonpath='{}')
# If the service does not exist, set health status to 'Unhealthy'
if [ -z "$service_exists" ]; then
echo "Error: Service $service does not exist"
echo "Next Step: Check namespace $NAMESPACE for service name $service."
# Extract selectors and check for matching deployment, statefulset, or daemonset
selectors=$(kubectl get svc "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{.spec.selector}')
# Construct label selector from selectors of the service
for key in $(echo $selectors | jq -r 'keys[]'); do
value=$(echo $selectors | jq -r --arg key "$key" '.[$key]')
# Iterate over deployment, statefulset, and daemonset to find matching owners
for kind in deployment statefulset daemonset; do
matching_owners=$(kubectl get $kind -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -l "$label_selector" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
if [ -n "$matching_owners" ]; then
for owner in $matching_owners; do
echo "Owner Kind: $kind"
echo "Owner Name: $owner"
# If no matching owner is found, set health status to 'Unhealthy'
if [ "$found_owner" == 0 ]; then
echo "Error: No matching deployment, statefulset, or daemonset found to match label selector \`"$label_selector"\`"
echo "Next Steps:\n- Check namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\` for deployment, statefulset, or daemonset with labels that match \`"$label_selector"\`"
associated_pods=$(kubectl get pods -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -l "$label_selector" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
# Iterate over associated pods and check for matching target port
for pod in $associated_pods; do
container_ports=$(kubectl get pod "$pod" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].ports[*].containerPort}')
for target_port in $target_ports; do
if echo "$container_ports" | grep -wq "$target_port"; then
# Set health status based on the availability of target ports in associated pods
if [ "$port_found" = "No" ]; then
echo "Warning: targetPort $target_ports of service $service is not found as a containerPort in associated pods"
endpoint_pods=$(kubectl get endpoints "$service" -n "$NAMESPACE" --context "$CONTEXT" -ojsonpath='{range .subsets[*].addresses[*]}- Pod Name: {}\n Pod IP: {.ip}\n{end}')
# Perform health checks on endpoint pods
if [ -z "$endpoint_pods" ]; then
echo "Error: Endpoint for service \`"$service"\` does not have any running pods"
echo "Next Steps:\n- Inspect Container Restarts in Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\` \n- Inspect Pending Pods In Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\`\n- Inspect Failed Pods In Namespace \`"$NAMESPACE"\`"
echo "Endpoint Pod:"
echo "$endpoint_pods"
done <<<"$backend_services"
# Display the overall health status of the ingress
echo "Health Status: $health_status"
echo "------------"
Check for Ingress and Service Conflicts in Namespace backstage
This command is using kubectl to retrieve information about ingresses and services in a Kubernetes cluster. It's checking for any discrepancies between the IP addresses of the ingresses and services, and it will provide warnings if there are any differences.
CONTEXT="gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster"; NAMESPACE="backstage"; kubectl --context "gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster" --namespace "backstage" get ingress -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.loadBalancer.ingress) | as $name | .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip as $ingress_ip | .spec.rules[]?.http.paths[]? | "\($name) \($ingress_ip) \( \(.backend.service.port.number)"' | while read -r ingress_name ingress_ip service_name service_port; do kubectl --context "gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster" --namespace "backstage" get svc "$service_name" -o json | jq --arg ingress_name "$ingress_name" --arg ingress_ip "$ingress_ip" --arg service_name "$service_name" --arg service_port "$service_port" -r 'if .spec.type == "LoadBalancer" then .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip as $service_ip | if $ingress_ip and $service_ip and $service_ip != $ingress_ip then "WARNING: Ingress \($ingress_name) IP (\($ingress_ip)) differs from Service \($service_name) IP (\($service_ip))" else "OK: Ingress \($ingress_name) - Service \($service_name) is of type LoadBalancer with IP (\($service_ip))" end else "OK: Ingress \($ingress_name) - Service \($service_name) is of type \(.spec.type) on port \($service_port)" end'; done
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This multi-line content is auto-generated and used for educational purposes. Copying and pasting the multi-line text might not function as expected.
# Set the context and namespace for kubectl
# Get the ingress information in JSON format and filter it to extract specific fields
kubectl --context "${CONTEXT}" --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" get ingress -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.status.loadBalancer.ingress) | as \$name | .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip as \$ingress_ip | .spec.rules[]?.http.paths[]? | "\($name) \($ingress_ip) \( \(.backend.service.port.number)"' |
# Read the extracted data into variables and process it further
while read -r ingress_name ingress_ip service_name service_port; do
# Get the service information in JSON format and compare IPs if the service type is LoadBalancer
kubectl --context "${CONTEXT}" --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" get svc "$service_name" -o json | jq --arg ingress_name "$ingress_name" --arg ingress_ip "$ingress_ip" --arg service_name "$service_name" --arg service_port "$service_port" -r 'if .spec.type == "LoadBalancer" then .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip as $service_ip | if $ingress_ip and $service_ip and $service_ip != $ingress_ip then "WARNING: Ingress \($ingress_name) IP (\($ingress_ip)) differs from Service \($service_name) IP (\($service_ip))" else "OK: Ingress \($ingress_name) - Service \($service_name) is of type LoadBalancer with IP (\($service_ip))" end else "OK: Ingress \($ingress_name) - Service \($service_name) is of type \(.spec.type) on port \($service_port)" end';