users-redis Health¶
Troubleshooting Commands¶
Ping users-redis
Redis Workload¶
This command allows you to execute the redis-cli PING command on a specific deployment within a given namespace, using a specified context. It's a way to check if the Redis server is running and responding within a Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl exec deployment/users-redis --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n acme-fitness -- redis-cli PING
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# This command is using kubectl to execute a command inside a running container in a Kubernetes deployment.
# The command being executed inside the container is 'redis-cli PING', which checks if the Redis server is responding.
# Start the multi-line command by using kubectl exec with the appropriate flags and parameters
kubectl exec deployment/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \
--context=${CONTEXT} \
-- redis-cli PING
Verify users-redis
Redis Read Write Operation¶
This command uses kubectl to execute a command within a specific deployment, in a specified context and namespace, and uses the redis-cli tool to set a key in Redis to 0 for health check purposes.
kubectl exec deployment/users-redis --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n acme-fitness -- redis-cli SET runwhen_task_rw_healthcheck 0
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# Set the deployment name, context and namespace to variables for easier readability and reusability
# Use kubectl exec to enter the specified deployment and run the redis-cli command to set a specific key in Redis to 0
kubectl exec deployment/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \ # Execute a command on a running pod in the specified deployment
--context=${CONTEXT} \ # Use the specified context to access the Kubernetes cluster
-n ${NAMESPACE} \ # Specify the namespace where the deployment is located
-- redis-cli SET ${REDIS_HEALTHCHECK_KEY} 0 # Use redis-cli to set the value of a specific key in Redis to 0
Verify users-redis
Redis Read Write Operation¶
This command uses kubectl to execute a command within a specific deployment, in a specified context and namespace, and uses the redis-cli tool to set a key in Redis to 0 for health check purposes.
kubectl exec deployment/users-redis --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n acme-fitness -- redis-cli INCR runwhen_task_rw_healthcheck
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# Set the deployment name, context and namespace to variables for easier readability and reusability
# Use kubectl exec to enter the specified deployment and run the redis-cli command to set a specific key in Redis to 0
kubectl exec deployment/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \ # Execute a command on a running pod in the specified deployment
--context=${CONTEXT} \ # Use the specified context to access the Kubernetes cluster
-n ${NAMESPACE} \ # Specify the namespace where the deployment is located
-- redis-cli SET ${REDIS_HEALTHCHECK_KEY} 0 # Use redis-cli to set the value of a specific key in Redis to 0
Verify users-redis
Redis Read Write Operation¶
This command uses kubectl to execute a command within a specific deployment, in a specified context and namespace, and uses the redis-cli tool to set a key in Redis to 0 for health check purposes.
kubectl exec deployment/users-redis --context=gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -n acme-fitness -- redis-cli GET runwhen_task_rw_healthcheck
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# Set the deployment name, context and namespace to variables for easier readability and reusability
# Use kubectl exec to enter the specified deployment and run the redis-cli command to set a specific key in Redis to 0
kubectl exec deployment/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} \ # Execute a command on a running pod in the specified deployment
--context=${CONTEXT} \ # Use the specified context to access the Kubernetes cluster
-n ${NAMESPACE} \ # Specify the namespace where the deployment is located
-- redis-cli SET ${REDIS_HEALTHCHECK_KEY} 0 # Use redis-cli to set the value of a specific key in Redis to 0