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acme-fitness ArgoCD Helm Health

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Icon 1 2 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 1 Last updated 13 weeks ago

Icon 1 Contributed by nmadhok

Troubleshooting Commands

Fetch all available ArgoCD Helm releases in namespace acme-fitness

What does it do?

This command retrieves information about a specific resource in a Kubernetes cluster, such as a deployment or service, within a specific namespace and context. It then filters the results using the jq tool to display the name of the resource, its sync status, and its health status.

kubectl get -n acme-fitness --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -o=json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.source.helm != null) | "\nName:\t\t\t" + + "\nSync Status:\t\t" + .status.sync.status + "\nHealth Status:\t\t" +'
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This multi-line content is auto-generated and used for educational purposes. Copying and pasting the multi-line text might not function as expected.

# Store the resource name in a variable

# Store the namespace in a variable

# Store the context in a variable

# Use kubectl to get the JSON output of the specified Kubernetes resource in the specified namespace and context, and store it in a variable
RESOURCE_INFO=$(kubectl get $RESOURCE_NAME -n $NAMESPACE --context $CONTEXT -o=json)

# Use jq to filter and format the JSON output to display specific information about Helm charts
Helm_info=$(echo $RESOURCE_INFO | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.source.helm != null) | "\nName:\t\t\t" + + "\nSync Status:\t\t" + .status.sync.status + "\nHealth Status:\t\t" +')

# Print the formatted Helm chart information
echo "$Helm_info"

In this multi-line command, we first store the resource name, namespace, and context in variables for clarity and ease of modification. We then use `kubectl` to fetch the resource information in JSON format and store it in a variable. After that, we use `jq` to filter and format the JSON data to display specific information about Helm charts. Finally, we print the formatted information to the console.
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Fetch Installed ArgoCD Helm release versions in namespace acme-fitness

What does it do?

This command uses kubectl to get information about a specific resource in a particular namespace and context, and then formats the output using jq to display details such as name, target revision, attempted revision, sync status, and operational state.

kubectl get -n acme-fitness --context gke_runwhen-nonprod-sandbox_us-central1_sandbox-cluster-1-cluster -o=json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.source.helm != null) | "\nName:\t\t\t" + + "\nTarget Revision:\t" + .spec.source.targetRevision + "\nAttempted Revision:\t" + .status.sync.revision + "\nSync Status:\t\t" + .status.sync.status + "\nOperational State:\t" + .status.operationState.message'
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This multi-line content is auto-generated and used for educational purposes. Copying and pasting the multi-line text might not function as expected.

# Here we are using kubectl to get the resources in a specific namespace and context 
# We want to output the results in JSON format and then use jq to filter and format the output

kubectl get ${RESOURCE_NAME} -n ${NAMESPACE} --context ${CONTEXT} -o=json |  
  jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.source.helm != null) | 
  "\nName:\t\t\t" + + 
  "\nTarget Revision:\t" + .spec.source.targetRevision + 
  "\nAttempted Revision:\t" + .status.sync.revision + 
  "\nSync Status:\t\t" + .status.sync.status + 
  "\nOperational State:\t" + .status.operationState.message'

In this multi-line command, we added comments to explain each step of the command. This can help newer or less experienced devops engineers understand what each part of the command does and how it contributes to the overall functionality.
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