election Public HTTP OK¶
Troubleshooting Commands¶
Checking HTTP URL Is Available And Timely¶
What does it do?
This command uses the curl utility to send a request to a specified URL, and then outputs the HTTP response code and total time of the request in JSON format. The -o /dev/null option discards the normal output, and -s ensures it runs silently.
curl -o /dev/null -w '{"http_code": %{http_code}, "time_total": %{time_total}}' -s https://election.sandbox.runwhen.com
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# This command uses curl to send an HTTP request to the specified URL and capture the response time and HTTP status code.
# -o /dev/null: Specifies a file or device to write output to. In this case, we're writing the response to /dev/null to discard it.
# -w '{"http_code": %{http_code}, "time_total": %{time_total}}': This option customizes the output format of curl to return the HTTP status code and total time taken for the request.
# -s: Suppresses the progress meter and any other non-error output.
# Replace ${URL} with the actual URL that you want to send the request to.
curl -o /dev/null \
-w '{"http_code": %{http_code}, "time_total": %{time_total}}' \
-s ${URL}